Evangelism Ministry


Sunday - 11:00AM EST Via zoom | Thursday- 7:00PM EST Training For reigning via zoom

Evangelism Ministry

Evangelism is defined as the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the purpose of letting people know about the love of God to all mankind through Jesus Christ. The final goal of evangelism is for a person being preached too, often times a sinner, to accept the gospel, repent of his/her sin, and proclaim their faith/belief in Jesus Christ.

Evangelism is not about urging people, forcing them or subduing people to accept the gospel of Christ. It is simply reporting the good news of Christ to people in a loving manner and allowing them to decide for themselves if they want to accept the gospel and believe in it. The whole summary of the message of evangelism (i.e. the summary of the gospel being preached) is that God created all mankind but man has sinned against God. The Lord has sent Jesus Christ to die and pay the sacrifice for man’s sin because of God's love towards mankind. On the third day, Jesus Christ resurrected and conquered the power of sin.

Who is an evangelist?

Christians whose main ministry is evangelism are referred to as evangelists. An evangelist is someone who shares good tidings. According to the Bible, in Ephesians 4:11, evangelists are anointed by God. The title of an evangelist was applied to Philip in Acts 21:8. Philip went from one city to another preaching about Jesus Christ. So, judging from the ministry of Philip, an evangelist is someone who carries the gospel of Jesus Christ to cities and places where the gospel is previously unknown.

Evangelists do not have the authority of an apostle. They are not like pastors and are not particularly responsible over a group of Christians i.e. no pastoral role over a church. Evangelist are to point the new convert to a local body. They travel to a city, village or place where people don’t know about Christ or where there is no church and preach to the people residing there. They can do the preaching by going from house to house or calling for a crusade. After some days or week or month of evangelizing, they can decide if a church need to be planted with the new converts if there is no church in the place already. They will speak to their covering and leadership that sent them out to plant a church in that location. The leadership will send forth an apostolic team and plant a church with a pastor to pastor the church in that location.

In this modern day, evangelists also go from churches to churches on invitation to preach. But in summary, evangelists are not pastors over any church but the carriers of the message and testimony of Jesus Christ from one place to another.

Our Evangelism Ministry will go out every 2nd and 4th Sunday to evangelize for 1 or 2 hours during church service to give the people within the community the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and invite them to come to The  Forerunners Center through our E-Church Hub.  Because we don't want them missing getting the word while they are out evangelizing and not in service they are required to go back and listen to the message and tell us what they got out of the message and what God spoke to them through the messages. If you desire to be apart of our Evangelism team and you feel like God called you as an Evangelist or to Evangelize fill out our volunteer application here.

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