

Sunday - 11:00AM EST Via zoom | Thursday- 7:00PM EST Training For reigning via zoom

Our Foundational Scripture

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on upon a hill a light that cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14


Our vision mirrors the spirit of the kingdom of God and encompasses the characteristics of Christ.  We are a (Ephesians 4: 11) 5 Fold, Multicultural, Non-denominational, Apostolic, and Prophetic ministry.  We are family-oriented and teach the whole word, to the whole man, helping them to become complete in God.  This is a place where you can be refreshed, revived, commissioned, healed, delivered and set free. Those who have been called and chosen by God for the work of the ministry are trained, equipped, anointed, and released to do the work of the kingdom. 


We envision the following:


  • To lift up Jesus in everything we do and say. To make Christ name famous willing to be nameless. 

  • To make sure He gets all of the glory and honor for whatever success we may have (John 12:32).

  • To have a place where all are welcome (regardless of race, age, status, etc.)  to worship Christ with us.

  • To be focused on we verses I to be “evangelistic, and apostolic” in mind.  To establish and plant outreach ministries that will affect the communities, cities, territories and regions that God has given us locally, nationally and internationally and the nations of the world. (i.e. ministry of helps, prison ministry, hospital ministry, nursing home ministry, drug-alcohol ministry, counseling ministry, shelters, food ministry, radio, television, social media, the 7 mountain to include mainly the mountain of media to have a digital footprint etc.)

  • To establish and sustain “in-house” ministries to help the saints in all areas of their lives (single’s ministry, marriage enrichment ministry, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, children’s ministry, teen ministry, budget and financial helps ministry, etc.


  • To minister to the whole man, to the whole world, for a whole people to align the spirit, body and soul.


  • To have ministry partners who are excited and enthusiastic about coming and being a part of The Forerunners Center (Psalms 122:1)


  • To live up to our name and be forerunners/Pioneers for Christ.  To move God’s people with the glory cloud and not the crowd to our summit in God.  We will move to a higher ground of excellence in praise, worship, preaching, teaching, record keeping, hospitality, porter ministry, marriage, family, etc.


  • To be a 100% giving apostolic church hub (talent, time, and treasure) that operates in love, because God is love and the heart of God is giving. With a cheerful heart.


  • To have a apostolic church hub where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in total and full operation.  We will learn through teachings and trainings what these gifts are and how to recognize your gift.


  • To be a apostolic church hub that will lift up the standard of Holiness.  We will be a standard bearer of truth. (The Plum line of Heaven) We will clearly define what holiness is and address all issues (according to Scripture) that are against Holiness.  We will pray and teach against such issues. 


To have a apostolic church hub where the love of God is continuously on display.  To create a family type atmosphere where we genuinely show God’s “love” for one another and we are family. 


The mission of the kingdom of God is to win souls to Christ and the spirit of the kingdom is love (1st Cor. 13:13).


Here at The Forerunners Center Worldwide we are committed to winning souls and making disciples of Christ while demonstrating the love of God.


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